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środa, 13 listopada 2013

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"How Apple Sidesteps Billions in Taxes" in which we learn that, 
shockingly, if you are at a table with only 
corporations sitting to your left and right, 
then you are the only person in the room paying taxes. 
Why - because global corporate tax "avoidance" 
schemes are not only perfectly legal, 
but they are actively encouraged, and 
in some cases form the backbone of a sovereign's 
(ahem Ireland) economic and even domestic policy, 
which just happens to be front and center 
in virtually every global corporate org chart 
permitting virtually the entire elimination of cash taxation 
at the corporate level.

If the justification for such pervasive global schemes (whereby hundreds of companies use them), is that double taxation is ultimately senseless, that's fine, but then at least equalize the playing field, because while an Apple may be able to afford the complicated tax loopholes that allow it to pay 10% tax, there are thousands of Small and Medium businesses, those that do generate domestic jobs, which can't afford this, and are thus stuck paying 3-4 times more relative taxes compared to the Apples and the Googles of the world, generating far less jobs than if they could retain triple the cash they do currently.

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